
Biography of Cleopatra

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Cleopatra may not have been Egyptian, but she was Egypt's queen and pharaoh, ruling on her own rather than in the name of her husband. Her relationships with the leaders of Rome led to scandals and her death continues to inspire playwrights, movies, romantics, and so much more. When Cleopatra was just eighteen years of age, she became ruler of Egypt with her brother Ptolemy XIII, and became one of the world's most famous women and a legendary leader. "As queen of ancient Egypt, Cleopatra is one of the most famous female rulers in history. Cleopatra's Biography Throughout her life, Cleopatra faced many hardships, betrayal, blissful times, adultery, and trails which lead to a very unkind death. Cleopatra's family had ruled Egypt for more than 100 years before she was born in 69 B.C. Cleopatra was born in Alexandria, Egypt; where she had grew up in the northeastern section called the Bruchion in a royal palace. Cleopatra had a lot of family her Father's name was Ptolemy XII, Mother Cleopatra Tryphaena V, Brothers Ptolemy XIII  and Ptolemy XIV, Sisters Cleoptra VI, Bernice, IV, and the Arisone. Since Cleopatra was legally obliged to have either a brother or son for her consort, she married her brother Ptolemy XIII when he was twelve. There is little known about Cleopatra's childhood. There weren't well put documents or records around to keep records of her childhood. There are little facts about her child hood but some such as she was raised as a child of privilege, in a much higher class than most. She was educated to a great existence, and could speak five languages fluently. She was the third daughter, had three sisters and two younger brothers, and had been given the name Cleopatra VII Philopator. Her family could be traced back to the Macedonian house of the Lagid Ptolemy's, who took the throne after the death of Alexander the Great (356 “323 B.C.) In Cleopatra's adult life she went through a lot of male trials. In 51 B.C. Her father Pompey dies. Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII take rule Egypt, and Cleopatra marries Ptolemy XIII. In 48 B.C. Civil war between Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII break out, both wanting to be sole ruler eventually leading to Cleopatra fleeing to Rome. 47 B.C. Cleopatra meets Julius Cesar who was said to be one of the most famous and powerful men in the world for the time being. They return to Egypt and defeat Ptolemy XIII in battle. It is said Ptolemy dies, possibly by drowning in a river or having Cleopatra hire someone to kill him off. Caesar takes control of Egypt and begins a relationship with Cleopatra, showing the power that Cleopatra had as Queen of Egypt. After Caesar's takeover, Egypt becomes a part of Rome. During his rule, Cleopatra and Julius Caesar have a child and name him Caesarion. He is also known as Ptolemy XV. Julius Caesar is the major reason why Cleopatra rules in Egypt, given that most of the Egyptian people believed that the King should be her brother, Ptolemy XIII. Caesar is the one who puts Cleopatra as the co-ruler along with her brother. Unfortunately Ceaser was assassinated in March of 44 B.C. and Ptolemy XIV dies, which could possibly be at Cleopatra's

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