Abstract Washington State is always trying new ways and making sure their students get the best education possible. Washington uses the Core State Standard (CCSS) for English Language Arts and Math. We also use Next Generation Science Standards to replace the WA 2009 Science content learning standards. With each section of standards used to making sure we reach our goals for federal financial aid programs, so each school gets the funding’s they need, in turn have helped Washington to have some of the highest scoring schools in the United States. Washington State has some of the best schools in the United States. Due to our standards being so high. Using the CCSS and the Next Generation Science Standards help cover the three main needs of which a student needs to know. There are nine sections that are tested throughout the child’s educational career. One of the sections are Early Learning and Development Birth to grade 3 which is taught in Washington’s Ready For Kindergarten program that is test in Pre-school/ Head start programs and continued until third grade. They switched to the Next Generation Science Standards in 2009, and switched from WA 2009 Science Content Learning Standards. Washington is not the only state to use this system, over twenty six states also use this system as well. This system helps set standards from kindergarten to twelfth grade. “The plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different strengths or different of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object” (K-PS2-1). “Analyze data to determine if a design solution works as intended to change the speed of direction of an object with a push or a pull” (K-P-S2-2). These are two examples of the starting question that can be used in the testing. With younger grades they are tested by setting the class us to do a project and working in groups, as the groups work teacher will watch which students can listen to the directions that are g