
Types of Classmates

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“Once there were three little pigs who lived together in mutual respect and in harmony with their environment. Using materials that were indigenous to the area, they each built a beautiful house. One pig built a house of straw, one a house of sticks and one a house of dung, clay and creeper vines shaped into bricks and baked in a small kiln.” – James Finn Throughout the school year, we interact with a diverse range of different people and personalities. I've met people from all around the world; Turkey, Sweden, Russia, Thailand, Korea, Germany and Canada. However, no matter where you're from I believe that the types of classmates you come across can be narrowed down to three, the straws, the sticks and the bricks. Each possess specific qualities that categorize them to be that type. The straws are the ‘slackers’ and they are lazy, ignorant and incompetent. The sticks are right in the middle of the straws and bricks and tend to be decisive, relaxed and clever but don't necessarily go above and beyond expectations. Finally the bricks are the ‘nerds’ and are probably the more meticulous, driven and brilliant people that you've met before. In the three little pigs, the fact the first pig would choose straw to build a house shows that he is lacking knowledge or awareness in general (ignorance). Also straw would be the simplest solution (lazy) and he wouldn't have to be clever about how he puts it all together (incompetent). The straw type of classmates tend to do the least amount of work, if any at all and they aren't the most reliable people. They are the type who become frat brothers in college and major in AA or they’re that annoying student that sits next to you in class and expects you to give them the answers to everything because they didn’t take the time to study for themselves. For guys, he’s usually the biggest trouble-maker who is probably the most punished student ever and for girls, she’s one of those

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