One month ago, my father had arthritis and a toothache at the same time. He lost his appetite and was indisposed to finish his meal. He moved painfully and soaked himself strongly with methyl salicylate. His smell of methyl salicylate was so strong that it could go into my room; I breathed it sleeping. Late at one night, in this smell of methyl salicylate, I had a dream. There I saw my body lying still and suppurating. I saw myself feel painful, impotent and scared. I awoke, and immediately thought about my grandpa in Vietnam. I wondered if his clothes were warm enough for him to survive this harsh winter, if he was too old to live through another winter. Then I remembered what he had said to me, "Granddaughter, I'm old already, I don't eat much, and I don't need much. So, don't worry about me. I'll be fine." I regained my calmness for I knew I always believed in my grandpa; I believe that he will be fine. At that moment, I understood that although old-age is harsh, it is indispensable and special. The old age stage has many challenges but it also has comparable rewards, especially for those who believe that this new stage of life is a new land to cultivate for greater happiness and life meaning. It seems that his body would be the first to tell a person that he is old. And it informs him in a totally unpleasant way. I still remember one day my mother said that she did not want to be old, sick and useless, and that she would hide a bottle of poison somewhere, and drink it when she was old enough. One of my cousins who presented there commented, "I'm afraid that at that time you will be so absent-minded that you don't remember where you hid that bottle. It made a good joke. Actually, I myself always feel unhappy whenever I am sick. I think about nothing other than my sick body, my pains, and my headache. I don't care about anything or anybody else. I feel miserable; I just want to die. So I believe that life is not easy at all when we are old and suffer from all kinds of co