Self-doubt can pierce a person's mind and can still put one through a depression state. Fears take away an individual's sense of self-assurance and self-confidence, thus leading them to think about decisions they have made. Choosing courses for school for example may be a good idea at the current time they are being chosen, having the confidence of continuing and not doing too well can flaws into drawbacks and leads you into self- doubt and thought leads to this thinking of "I can't do this." In the story "The Spaces Between Stars," by Geeta Kothari, the author represents Maya's journey in trying to find her place in the world. A world that Maya's in a constant battle between both cultures. Kothari illustrates Maya's discomfort in her own skin, culture and death of the sunfish has her life as a whole which leads to the idea that one image impacts on thoughts and decisions made throughout your life. Throughout the whole story, Maya goes through a constant struggle when dealing with her culture which is showing she's ashamed, "Shyamma used to have a small shrine in the corner of our kitchen. Incense, flowers, and an old calendar painting of Ganesh. Whenever I had friends over, I'd try to keep them from going in there. So I wouldn't have to hear them laugh and say, "Ew, what's that?," and then explain why my aunt was worshipping a god with an elephant head" (Kothari 115). I can relate to Maya because I experience a similar situation with my family and I. For example, when my friends come over I hide many things that propose to my culture because do not like being questioned as to what is being out around my house. Questions I try to avoid at all costs would be questions "what's this" and "how come this is up." The death of the sunfish in the story has a very deep meaning to Maya, it impacts her in such a way that she feels she can relate to it as she feels that she is drowning both in her life and marriage. "Her fish, red at the gills