
Themes of Christianity in Major Barbara

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"Major Barbara," is known to be one of George Bernard Shaw's most controversial works. In this play, Shaw focuses on identity, especially with his main character, Barbara Undershaft. The play gives insight into the life of Barbara Undershaft, and her very wealthy family. Barbara is a major in the Salvation Army, and is also the daughter of wealthy weapons industrialist, Andrew Undershaft. She meets her future husband, Adolphus Cusins, while spreading the good words of the Salvation Army. Adolphus joins the Army just to be closer to Barbara, and eventually gets tapped to become the successor of the Undershaft Company. Barbara believes that by helping people into the Salvation Army, she is saving their soul and also saving them from poverty. She believes she's helping and staying true to her faith, by only accepting donations from donors who earn their money, in what she considers, the right way. One of Shaw's most important opinions in, "Major Barbara," is that poverty is the worst crime. He believes the Christian beliefs that poor are the blessed ones, is just a way of keeping them weaker and poorer. He is basically implying that the Church and State should try ending poverty by treating it like a crime, instead of being okay with it. Shaw seems to be voicing his opinions through Andrew Undershaft, who also sees poverty as a crime. He believes that before a change can happen; poverty should be persecuted, and not glorified like the church does. By implying poverty is a crime; this presents the main character as a heroine, because she is trying the end poverty in the best way as possible. She's not much of a heroine, mainly because she has given her soul to the church. She is trying to get more people to join the Salvation Army. Barbara is against accepting donations from wealthy individuals, like her father, whose fortune comes from making weapons. The donations were accepted later on, which led to Barbara leaving the Salvation Army

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