Pretty Little Liars is an ongoing TV series based on the Pretty Little Liars (PLL) book series. It’s a very interesting series. The series starts one summer when five best friends (Alisson, Aria, Hannah, Spencer and Emily) spend the night in Spencer’s barn house. That night they were drinking and they fell asleep. Aria was the first to wake up in the middle of the night. She couldn’t find Spencer or Alisson, and then Spencer comes in telling them that she thinks she heard Alisson screaming and she can’t find her. After that incident within two years Alisson’s body was found in her backyard buried. All her best friends (Aria, Spencer, Emily and Hannah) met in the church during her funeral. It was their first time to meet together again after that summer. After the funeral when they were saying their goodbyes they got a text from an unknown number saying, “I’m still here and I know everything –A." They all got a text from that “A” person once before the funeral, each a different text. Throughout the series they are trying to figure out who “A” is. After a lot of clues and searching, by the finale of season Mona (Hannah’s best friend) is revealed to be “A.” She was going to kill Spencer, but was stopped by Hannah after she hit her with her car making Mona fall off a cliff. The beginning of the third season while the friends were partying and drinking they get a text from “A.” Through the first episode of the season we learn that Emily has been having drinking problems, due to the loss of her girlfriend (Maya) who was also found buried in Alisson’s backyard. After what happened with Mona she convinced the cops that she was mental (even though she wasn’t) and she was sent to Radley rather than being charged. But even after Mona being sent to Radley, the “A” messages didn’t stop. So after getting into heated arguments with Mona in Radley they figured out that there is another “A” and with Alli