
Progress Report to Event Director

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To celebrate the 55th anniversary of our school, not only will the Seniors handle the event, but also the 10th graders. The unexpected additional number of people meant having more hands to help but it also meant that more cooperation was needed. Working in large numbers was hard at first since both batches weren’t familiar with each other but as time passed, both batches learned how to work together which in the end made the whole program successful and the whole experience unforgettable. Teachers gladly handled some dance so there were less work for the Seniors and 10th Graders. The only dances we needed to handle was our batches’ dance. Practices were held right away in order to not waste precious time. First week of September was when the practice has started, everybody was exhilarated to learn something new. No auditions were held. Anyone who was willing to join the dance was welcome to join the dance. After searching for the right choreography fitted for the theme of the dance, I then taught it to my fellow choreographers. After doing so, small groups were formed in order to make teaching easier. Since, most Seniors and 10th Graders have more than one performance, the liaison had to arrange the schedule of practices accordingly so that everybody can practice at the right place and the right time. Costumes for the dance was bought at 168 while 10th graders had their skirts especially made. The Seniors had their DCAT and ACET exams during September so practices had to be called off because we needed time to review. Mrs. Healy have kindly let us practice our dance in the gymnasium during her values class. She also helped in the teaching which was really helpful because everybody listened to her at once. Drills, music, and PE class were cancelled in order to give way for the practices which meant more time to teach and to learn. October has started and several dances were still not yet taught and learned by the students. On the

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