A. The article I chose to read is titled, "Pathophysiology of Accidental Hypothermia," by M.L. Mallet. The article comes from the Oxford Journals website (oxfordjournals.org) and Mallet wrote a detailed, analytical summary about accidental hypothermia. It can be found in the book, "QJM: An International Journal of Medicine," Volume 95, Issue 12 on pages 775-785. The article was first published online on December 1, 2002. Mallet comes from the Medical Assessment Unit of the Royal United Hospital, which is located in Bath, UK. B. In this article, Mallet discusses all of the factors that could lead to accidental hypothermia. The article is broken up into eight different sections: etiology, pathophysiology, cardiovascular changes, hematology, neuromuscular effects, respiratory problems, renal and metabolic problems, and gastrointestinal effects. The main focus of the article is to bring awareness to the underlying contributions of accidental hypothermia. Mallet especially puts emphasis on how the elderly are the most at risk and how fatal the results can be if not treated right away. The article is meant to help readers understand what hypothermia is and realize all the potential causes. Someone may not be putting themselves into a situation that could lead to hypothermia, but there may be problems with their health that could greatly increase the chance of accidental hypothermia. Mallet breaks down all of the potential causes of accidental hypothermia and discusses how certain health problems, such as diabetes, can play a role. C. The first main point Mallet brought up is how serious the issue of accidental hypothermia is. Hypothermia isn't really something people are generally worried or concerned about. However, Mallet starts out the article by indicating how fatal accidental hypothermia is. The article states, "A study in Ireland found hypothermia to be responsible for 18.1 deaths per million out of 53.6 cases per million populati