Patriotic Military personnel fight the war on terror around the world. We devote our lives and time to protect all of the citizens of the USA. We leave our home lives where living is beyond comfortable and go to the unknown zone all in effort to defend others. Robert Bales, like others had to leave his family to fight in the war zone and leave behind his home life all in hope that he would soon return and things would go back to normal. In no way did Robert Bales sign up to spend the rest of his life guilty in a foreign country. If Robert Bales does not fight for his innocence, he would be setting himself up to never see his family or any part of his home life again. Not only would that influence Bales life in a dramatic way, but also the lives of his loved ones would be changed for ever and that change would not be for the good. They would have to live in the world of the unknown wondering the what if of if Bales did try to fight for his innocence. He would not be committing to what he signed up for and not living the American Dream. In America we are taught to fight for whatever we believe is right. We have the freedom to express what we believe in. America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Elmer Davis states, "This nation will remain the land of the free as long as it is the home of the brave. Bales has to be brave and commit to pleading his innocence for the right reasons. By Fisher stating that Bales should come out and say that he is guilty so that the country does not suffer from this action, is going against the American way. America is strong enough to handle the situation as a whole and not have a huge influence on our country, but Bales is only one man and can only handle so much. Our country should be able to overcome this incident without having to harm one of our own Military Personnel. Bales has every reason to fight for his innocence. In an incident like this, there are people who plan out the acti