
Ethics of Fatigued Doctors

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Everyone has a limit on how many hours they can work during the day, before they become tired. Doctors are no exception to this. “Decision Fatigue May Lead Docs to Prescribe Unnecessary Antibiotics,” by Kathryn Doyle, discusses how doctors are more likely to prescribe antibiotics to patients who don't need them, later in their shifts. Doyle describes research that demonstrates the effects of fatigue on poor decision-making. In the research, they compared electronic health records and billing data, from patients who went to their primary care doctor during 2011-2012. These patients went with symptoms of an acute respiratory problem. They found that of the 21,867 respiratory infections, about 44 percent resulted in an antibiotic. This is a very high percentage, because not all respiratory infections should be treated with antibiotics (Doyle). The researchers decided that they would separate the clinic visits into two shifts, 8am-12pm, and 1pm-5pm. The research concluded, that doctors were 24 percent more likely to give an antibiotic during the fourth hour of their shift. About 30 percent of doctors at 1pm, and 35 percent at 4pm, were giving unnecessary antibiotics to patients. Doyle found these findings to be alarming, as the misuse of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistance. The primary ethnical issue in this article deals with the doctors being able to make medical decisions, such as prescribing, while they are fatigued. Fatigue can make you do things you abnormal things. When doctors are prescribing medications to patients while fatigued, they are putting their patients at risk for harm. It violates Kant’s categorical imperative 1-2. Kant’s categorical imperatives (CI) were described as ( chapter 1, page 16): "CI: Always act in such a way that you can will that everyone act in the same manner in similar situations. C2: Treat everyone as an end and never solely as a means." The first categorical imperatives urge you

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