In the autobiography, “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass,” the power of education is the most important theme, but the one with the most inconsistent meaning. Frederick Douglass’s thoughts on education waver back and forth, from education being something of great benefit, to it being a curse from which he cannot escape. Education often seen as crucial to human growth; however, there is a downside to it that isn't often looked at. Frederick Douglass shows the reader how a lack of education, can be blissful, for some. Douglass is aware that reading and writing are both very important. However, he wishes that they did not come with the discovery of the full extent of the horrors in humanity, such as the extent of slavery's brutality. Although becoming educated allowed Douglass to eventually escape from slavery, and become a public speaker on the abolition of slavery, it made Douglass’s life as a slave much worse. It made him think that learning was something fraught with danger, and disappointment. Frederick Douglass came to quickly realize, that knowing how to read and write, came with the ability to understand the harshness of the world on a whole new level. Having gotten his hands on a book called, “The Columbian Orator,” Douglass was able to read denunciations of slavery, and learn about human rights. He was also able to learn much more about slavery, and his slave masters. Douglass said, “The more I read, the more I was led to abhor and detest my enslavers.” Douglass viewed them as band of robbers, who had gone off to Africa and stolen him and his fellow Africans from their homes. He learned that his slaveholders were more wicked, than he could have ever imagined. This newfound knowledge tormented Douglass, making every day spent enslaved, a painful one. Education brought pain upon Douglass; he once said, “As I writhed under it, I would at times feel that learning to read had been a curse rather than a bl