"Then one day [Janie] sat and watched the shadow of herself going about tending store and prostrating itself before Jody, while all the time she herself sat under a shady tree with the wind blowing through her hair and her clothes. Somebody near about making summertime out of lonesomeness. This was the first time it happened, but after a while it got so common she ceased to be surprised. It was like a drug. In a way it was good because it reconciled her to things. She got so she received all things with the solidness of the earth which soaks up urine and perfume with the same indifference." This passage presents many themes one being Janie’s double consciousness as a black woman living in a patriarchal society. Her husband Joe Starks expects her to fulfill all his expectations on what is accepted as the mayor’s wife, Jody being the mayor only cares about his wealth and power and, has Janie struggling to find her true self. Hurston describes Janie living in two worlds she states “Then one day she sat and watched the shadow of herself going about tending store and prostrating itself before Jody, while all the time she herself sat under a shady tree with the wind blowing through her hair and her clothes” (Hurston 77). Janie lives in the physical world but she also builds one with her mind. Her physical body permits her to do things she normally wouldn't do, such as obeying Jody’s commands, taking in his verbal abuse, and also refrain her from society. Her true self which are her thoughts allows her to drift off to her fantasy world where she feels free. Janie always believed love was magical and beautiful, and she also thought that Joe was her true love. She always envisioned that sitting by this tree with the man she loved would be a dream both could share. Unfortunately, she sees that she can’t share this with Joe and can only dreams about it alone. The reason why she dreams and goes to this pear tree is because she always