
Personal Life Values - Family, Religion and Education

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Values are things that are important, meaningful, and shape an individual, a group of people, or an organization. Values play a very important role in my life. My family has influenced my important values. My values include family, education, religion, freedom, love, self-actualization, happiness, commitment, optimism, and nature. These beliefs are important since they shape the way I live my life. I believe that to value something is, to love that value with your soul. The first, and most important value in my life is family. Family is the single most important thing, in many people's lives. From the time you are born, to the time you die, you will always have your family there for support and love. A person creates such a strong bond with their family, that it's nearly unbreakable. Another reason that family is important is that a loving and supportive family, will be there for you no matter what. Friends may leave your side when things get very tough, or if you hurt them. Siblings are so important in my life. My younger sister is my best friend, and I don't know where I would be without her. It is so important to hold a strong connection between siblings. Siblings are usually around the same age, and have had the same experiences. If there was ever a difficult time in the family, a sibling would be the best person to talk to about it. My second most important value is religion. Religion is important because humans are still like children, and they try to rely on someone else for support. If you believe you will go to Heaven when you die, then it doesn't make dying seem like such a bad thing. Honestly I cannot wait to meet God, and go to Heaven when my time comes. God answers all of our doubts with the Bible, and that is such an amazing thing. I value religion so much, and I am so happy that my parents raised me in such a way. Even though I have been through a lot of hardship, everything always turns out okay because of God. The thi

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