Immigration has been around since 1865, back when Mexican, Chinese, German and Italians decided to come to America to look for a better life. Now, in 2014 it is still a hot topic President Barack Obama has been trying to help immigrants become legal since his presidential election. We have seen in the news stories from immigration reform law to bills being passed for people to stay in the United States or be deported to their home country. This is what Obama had to say, "Before the end of the year, were going to take whatever lawful actions that I can take that I believe will improve the functioning of our immigration systems, Obama said during a news conference a day after last week's midterm elections. "What I'm not going to do is just wait" (Parker). He is willing to help the immigrants that have crossed the border and have a clearly suffered by making them legal in this country. Hard working people that worry daily and hide in fear so they will not be deported. So many immigrants have been rallying around and trying to convince lawmakers that there should be a change in the immigration reformation. The Dream Act was created to help those students that wanted to continue on their education. It was going to provide them with the opportunity to either work, go to school or join the military as many undocumented children wanted. All though The Dream Act in 2001 failed shorts of votes in Congress another program came about in June 2012 the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). Congress wants DACA to be shut down also because they believe that is the reason that small children cross the border every day. Dreamers are children brought in by their parents here illegally looking for a better life wanting to achieve the American dream. Without the DACA they no longer have to live in shadows of being scared that they will deported. This is the opportunity that they have been waiting for to be a step closer than they were a year ago. But, Congress does not like the idea of having any more illegal immigrants applying for the DACA. According to the article written by Lancaster, 673,417 young people have applied to the DACA program and only 553,197 have been approved. There is still a requirement that they have to meet they must be in between ages 15-30 and must have been in the United States before they were 16 years old. But this also opens up a new question on the older immigrants who are also looking to better themselves. Dreamers not o