
An Introduction to Private Investigation

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What is the role of the Private investigator in its contemporary setting and how has this progressed from its historical origins? The role of a Private Investigator is to carry out a range of different type of investigations that I will include below this section. But to fully explain the PI in its contemporary setting today I am going to first look at its origins. Paris Private investigators have been around for many years but the first recorded account of Private agency operating dates back to 1833, Paris. Where a solider and one time criminal Eugene Francois Vidocq set up a business employing ex-convicts and criminals to carry out investigations. This man Eugene Francois Vidocq is also credited as helping the way certain types of investigation and police investigation are carried out. The process of creating individual files for each suspect and witness was also created by Vidocq. Some of these early breakthroughs and methods of investigations were so vital that they are still used by the French police today. However this Vidocq is not the type of man you would think would be a Private Investigator but did have a number of attitudes that make him a good investigator. Vidocq had quite the colourful life from being a solider to pretty criminal which landed him in jail, after he spend time on the run disguising himself from milkman to sailor. He was fought, arrested and send to jail where is escaped but was fought again. Over the years he had a colourful life in 1809 Vidocq make a deal with the police by acting as an informer. He was send to jail as a spy, and then spend time working as a secret agent for the Paris police. Later on when he opened the first private agency where he employed ex- criminals proved to be successful. 1.3 achieved United Kingdom In the United Kingdom the first private investigations come from the thief takers of the early 1800s. These thief takers developed into the basis of the original modern police force it was realise that they was a need for localized police that could deal with local crime. Henry and john fielding two brothers were left to organize a business that could do this. It was the fielding brothers that created one known as Bow Street Runners which would have been classes as a public office. They would have been a great need for localized police at this time because of the Industrial Revolution that brought large amounts of people into the area which also meant an increase in crime. In 1829 this public office was officially recognized and lead to opportunity of a private investigation career path. The first detective in the UK was called Garnier’s Detective Agency that offered a range of unofficial services. 1.3 achieved America The first detective agency that emerged was called the Pinkerson National Detective Agency which was established in 1850 by Allen Pinkerson. The agency rose to fame through a variety of successful investigations the most famous foiling the assassination plot against Abraham Lincoln. The agency expanded and offered services that are still being offered by detectives today. The Pinkerson’s agency logo was an eye embellished with the words “we never sleep” which inspired to term private eye. Pinkerson also hired Kate Warne in 1856 as a private detective making her the first female private detective in America. 1.3 achieved Modern Day Nowadays in America private detectives have to fill he requires of what state they are working in, they also have different stipulations and licensing. For a Private detective to open a business they now have to complete a background check before the business can be established. So you cannot become a PI with a criminal record compared to the time you would in Paris. In the UK anyone can set up a PI business without any government checks. In 2001 the government did pass licensing of private investigators and firm in the UK and wales to the SIA (Security Indust

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