
American Society and Huckleberry Finn

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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain views American society, set in the mid 1800’s in Missouri in a way that has sparked much controversy. Throughout the novel, Twain uses various elements of speech to describe to the reader what life was like in that area at that time. Twain uses satire, word choice, and diction to critique the daily activities and way of life. This has been the cause of much debate along with the use of derogatory terms such as “Nigger”. Twain portrays society as uneducated and uncivilized in order to force change and create conversation. One of the most unique aspects of Twain’s work is the large amount of both satire and exaggeration. He uses exaggeration to emphasise both what is right and what is wrong. He also uses exaggeration to refer to the “different rights for different people” attitude of this time period. Mark Twain can be referred to as a “satirist”, ( setting specific satires through Jim, Huck, and Finn. By using satire, Twain “let a redneck kid tell his story, in his own dialect” ( sparking controversy and public outcry. The dialect used in the story is to the book. Twain develops a variety of satires for his characters, which are used to help the reader understand each of their lives. Twain shows Jim as superstitious; a trait that is found throughout the novel, and is also represented in Huck. (Twain Ch. 1) Twain also develops Huck as ethically neutral, where he gives to both the slave and non-slave world. Tom is portrayed with a sense of “make believe adventurism” ( because with Tom, life is just a never-ending adventure. Twain also uses satire to describe the community; both “white-folk," and slaves. Twain’s satire of slaves is highly derogatory and designed to get a reaction from readers. He compares them to cattle, sold at market, with no human consideration. Is this false? No, but Twain was one of the f

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