Communication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of ideas, feelings, intentions, writings, et cetera. If we didn't have communication there's no telling what the world would be like today; it could be like the stone age. There are so many ways to communicate, and we rely on communication for everything. Communication is one of my strengths, and I'll explain this through my experiences in basketball. I've been playing basketball for as long as I can remember. I remember waking up every morning, and going outside to shoot around with my brother and friends. Communication came into play, in the seventh grade. I still remember tryouts, when the coach was yelling, "You have to talk to each other!" From that day on, I had a different view on basketball. I was communicating with my teammates more, making key passes, and getting the ball to an open player so we could win. In high school, basketball teams were faster, bigger, and stronger. I didn't let that bother me. I knew from my past, that if my teammates and I worked together, and played like we did in practice, everything would be fine. Team communication improved greatly since middle school; we were making great plays, and scoring at every attempt. This was all because of our communication skills. In the end, it all paid off since we made it to state. We accomplish our dream because of good communication. Although we didn't win the game, we had a team bond that was unbreakable, and unforgettable memories. Now that my high school basketball days are over, I want to improve my general communication skills with others. I'd like to improve my communication for things like, asking for extra help on an assignment, or asking someone out to dinner. I currently have fairly good communication skills, but by the end of the semester I would like to improve them. A goal I would like to accomplish this semester, is to speak in front of a large crowd. I'd like to do this wit