I can't wait to go to high school. The whole transition from middle school to high school excites me. Now that the school year is almost over, it is finally coming up. The big transition from an eighth grader to a freshman is scary for most, but it is exciting for me. I cannot wait to be with upperclassmen and be able to learn at a faster rate. I will be taking the more advanced classes in highschool, so I am sure I will be in classes with older kids. Although there are many other reasons why I am excited to go to high school, the main ones are more freedom, the time you leave, and the football games. The first thing that I am excited for in high school is the more freedom. For example, in high school, you can go to your locker in between any class, instead of having set times like at the middle school. Also, you have the freedom to pick your classes and your electives. Instead of having to do Advanced Algebra Two, you have the choice to take it. Also, you can choose if you would rather do woodshop or video editing. You also get to choose what clubs you want to do. In high school, you are treated more maturely than you are at the middle school, and that will give you more freedom. Another exciting thing about high school is the time you get to leave. Instead of leaving at three o'clock in the afternoon, you get to leave at 2:20 P.M. This will let me get home earlier and let me get things done sooner. Because of this time change, when I get home I will be able to be outside longer before it becomes dark. Also, I don't mind getting up earlier to get out of school early. Unlike most kids, I would rather wake up early and get out of school earlier than to wake up and get out early. I cannot wait to get out of school at 2:20. The final reason why I am excited for high school is because of the football games. I love watching football, and when I go to high school, I will be able to go to more of them. The football games are something to d