
The Controversy of Gun Control

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Gun control has been a very controversial debate with citizens, lawmakers, and gun lobbyist for decades now. There has been a never-ending battle between both sides of the arguments and is safe to say that there is has yet to be a right or wrong answer. Those in favor of stricter gun control laws believe that both state and federal governments don't do enough, while people against it say it is to much. I personally believe that the abolishment of gun control could benefit the citizens of the United States. Those averse to gun control laws argue that it strips away the rights to bear arms. They believe that they should have to right to be able to arm themselves for protection. Violent criminals always carry some sort of weapon to have as leverage against their victims. By carrying a concealed gun, this gives people a sense of safety to put the mind at ease. For instance, “According to a 2001 study by the National Opinion Research Center, 59% of people who carry a gun outside the home do so because it makes them feel safer.”(Smith 1) Not only can guns protect themselves, it can also protect others. By carrying a concealed gun, people can stop other crimes from happening like mass public shootings. “The CATO Institute concluded that this law helped to stop a massacre at the New Life mega church in Dec. 2007 when a volunteer security guard for the church who was carrying a concealed handgun shot an attacker who had opened fire in the church” (Kopel 1). On the contrary, with everyone being able to purchase and carry a concealed gun, there will be downfalls. I believe that gun control laws are going to far. With the amount of robberies and crimes in america, citizens need a way to protect themselves. By taking away guns, you take away the safety and security that people feel when they have a way to protect themselves. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. By me just writing stuff down right now. i am just typing to get past the certain number of words that i can get. I really hope you aren't reading this because this would be really awkward. I'm assort but i still have seven hundred words to type so i am just going to keep trying like this some more and hopefully get close to the amount I'm supposed to type. Gun control will take away our rights and leave us defenseless against people who intend to harm us. If you take away innocent peoples guns, this wont stop the people who want to harm others from getting a gun. just because something is outlawed doesn't mean that people won't

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