
Summary of Performance Enhacing Drugs

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Audience For anyone especially athletes who are thinking about using performance enhancing drugs in order to get better at their sport. Purpose To warn everyone about the side effects and risks about using performance enhancing drugs Performance Enhancing Drugs The first known case of an athlete dying from using performance-enhancing drugs happened in 1886. His name was Andrew Linton, a cyclist. According to the article " Performance Enhancing Drugs" by Bob Jacobson, he died during a race from Paris to Bordeaux. The substance he consumed was thought to be trimethyl, an alcohol-based product used by distance racers to relieve pain and boost stamina. Athletes will do many things in order to achieve fame. Some athletes decide to use performance-enhancing drugs. Some do it for the money, and some do it just to be the best at their sport. I believe that athletes should not use these enhancing drugs. Some reasons are because some athletes do not know the risky side effects of using performance-enhancing drugs. For example, it risks their reputation, influences kids negatively and most importantly their health. Even though the use of these drugs may increase an athlete's endurance, and the growth of their muscles, it also causes many side effects and sometimes even death. Another case of an athlete that used performance enhancing drugs is Lyle Alzado, a former defensive end for the Los Angeles Raiders. He said in a nationally televised interview on June 29, "My inoperable brain cancer had been caused by a certain steroid I took during a comeback attempt in 1990. The drug he took was an anabolic steroid and it weakened his immune system (Worsnop). According to the article "How Performance Enhancing Drugs Work," Craig Freudenrich and Kevin Allen say, "In males, the excessive concentrations interfere with normal sexual function and cause baldness, infertility and breast development. In women, the drugs can stimulate hair growth o

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