The debate on whether or not the small pox was the reason the Spanish conquered Hispaniola is very controversial. A lot of historians say it is others say it's not, but I do not believe that the smallpox was the reason why the Spanish conquered Hispaniola. I believe this because a lot of the natives of the country Hispaniola were dead before Smallpox arrived to the island in 1518-19.The Taino people of Hispaniola were already getting conquered before the disease for example, according to Mooney " Spanish exterminated the Taino people before the smallpox epidermis from Europe arrived and wiped out most of the surviving Tanio" [ Mooney, Pg.15]. With that being said I strongly believe that the smallpox did not help the Spanish conquest, the Hispaniola were already weak. The Taino were in a civil war with each other while the Spanish were conquering them. This made it easy for the Spanish to come in and take over. Also the Spanish were a lot more advance than Hispaniola. The Spanish had guns, cannons, and horses something the people of Hispaniola did not have. I do believe that the smallpox did play a role in the Spanish conquering of Hispaniola but I do not believe that is the reason why they Conquered Hispaniola. My name is Calvin Crockett I am a freshmen here a Santa Barbara City College, this is my first semester here at this school. My First semester I went to Humboldt State University on a football scholarship. I did not like the school much, it was a lot more different from Southern California. Being from San Diego it was really hard going to a school in Northern California, it was a big culture shock for me. But it just wasn't the school aspect it was the football program also. The program just wasn't the right program for me and dealing with college athletics from what I have learned you really have to find the right program for yourself or you won't succeed. So I decided to switch to Santa Barbara City College my second semeste