Obesity is an issue that most Americans are fight in one way or another. It is not only affecting adults but also kids who are eating unhealthy foods everywhere they go. About 72 million Americans, more than one third of all adults are obese. This increases the possibilities of them having diseases like heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and more. But there a bunch of factors to blame for all of this. It is the government who is paying for the mistakes of people, food companies who are selling unhealthy foods to people and hiding labels, and the people themselves who are not in control of their behavior towards unhealthy food and are being irresponsible. So it's basically everyone's "fault." Obesity is a danger to health and more and more Americans are risking their lives by eating unhealthy food but the government should put a stop to it and make new laws and regulations and people should come into their senses and be responsible about their own health. There are ways in which this issue can be solved like but everyone has to work together that meaning the government, the food companies, and the people themselves. David Zinczenko, Radley Balko, and Ann Cooper are three famous experts on food and each one also gives their opinion on this issue regarding unhealthy foods that are putting people's life into risk. Obesity is a complicated issue because nobody can stop these kids from going to fast food restaurants, for some of them that is their life. Some adults understand the consequences of eating unhealthy food constantly but kids are kids and they do not understand what happens to them when they eat unhealthy foods from those places even though they love that food. Some people just don't care how obese they are and they keep going to those places, just like Balko says in his article that "what you eat is your business, and it is your own responsibility to take care of yourself." Do not expect the food companies to warn you about the dangers of their food because they are not going to. Those companies want to sell as much as they can and make profit as much as they can, that is how all businesses are like. So it is your responsibility as an adult to take care of yourself. Obesity can't be stopped sometime because some kids are addicted to the fast food restaurants and they can't stop going because they think these foods are healthy also some consumers don't have the money to buy healthy food most people are depended by the state and they use ebt cards which are money given by the state to those who are not working. Most of the people have no idea of which food are healthy and which are not but even if they knew which are healthy and the food companies hide the real labels with the right nutrition information in them. The government should stop these food companies and make some kind of laws to stop with the wrong labels. It is understandable that they want to make as much profit as they can but at least put some warning signs and put the right information in these food labels so people know what they are doing. Kids are addicted but for the sake of those kids the food companies should care about the kids because the adults know what they are doing but for little kids who do not know what th