In class, we took the time to analyze the poem “Family” by Josephine Miles, and respond to it. After analyzing it my view towards family changed. This poem shows that if you are in danger or you need help your family might not always be there for you. Also how sometimes help may come from someone who you aren't even related to. A few things this poem reminded me of was how people can get together to help one another and sometimes for much greater causes then ourselves. Also this poem reminds me of a good portion of my life. Family to me is what my dad did for me. I would have to say that the first part of the poem highlights the first seven years of my life. It brings me to the time in which I was still with my mother and brother “eating potato salad” up till age 4 One morning i was play fighting with my . Then the undertow came and took me away on this journey that I am still living. It took me through 4 years of extreme loneliness, depression, and more loneliness. For the first 3 years I was in foster care and was traveling from home to home trying to find a new family. The trip was not fun at all, I was repeatedly put in to homes that were just not right for me. “Until the loss of breath and the power of play.” Then came my last opportunity with my real family on the 4th year. I was sent to North Carolina where my grandfather lived. He had just “recently” been re-married, to this Phillipino lady who had a really bad temper. My grandfather and her already had a son, and were expecting another baby soon. I'll have to say this was by far the worst place I stayed in all of the 4 years of my journey. I was always secretly hated because I wasn’t their child, I would be forced to finish my meal even if I was full, and if I said I wasn't hungry they would still force me to eat. After the baby was born, living there became even worse. All of the attention was on that adorable new bit of life, and not me. One day I came home