When it comes to the moral intention of both heaven and humanity the Genesis Narrative reveals that while it was meant to keep man pure without sin. Every creature, created for the well being and care of the next, revealing a sense of stewardship. Humanity being the peak of creation, all creation was placed under the stewardship of mankind. Man was made to be noble and like God but we are introduced to humanity’s disobedience and tragic downfall into a state of sin and misery (Adam and Eve) as well as redemption. A few important Key terms from the readings would be God, Adam, Eve, Serpent, Cain, Abel and Sin. For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil -Genesis 3:6. The serpent trickily asked misleading questions about God and his command, and then challenging God’s honesty. Instead of obeying the Divine Law, Eve took to the serpents words and believed that the fruit of the tree would solve her problems. Adam and Eves unsatisfied and greedy behavior is what introduce humanity to sin. These are very important and stand out to me because not only does this represent irresponsible stewardship but this action was the said blueprint for society today. God still allowed stewardship to remain in the hands of mankind, but he revoked that paradise and easier living and allowed humanity to now live. God said to Eve” To the woman He said, "I will greatly multiply your pain in childbirth, in pain you will bring forth children; yet your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you" (Genesis 3:16). Even with the fact these two not only brought sin upon humanity but death, God still allowed them to bear children (Cain and Abel being of the first). Ironically act of greed and sin continued through the story of Cain and Abel. Cain seemed to be greedy, selfish and only made a sacrifice for his own personal gain and murdered his own brother. I believe that verse is also the origin of the term I am my brother’s keeper. Now Cain and