
Beowulf - Religion and Anglo Saxons

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Though "Beowulf" focuses much on the life story of the character Beowulf and his great heroic feats, the unknown author of this epic poem often references respectively ideologies that are contained in the Pagan and Christian religions. This may have been due to the author’s beliefs or the beliefs of the Anglo Saxons. It is debatable, but it is perceived that these religions have major impacts on the people of this time, strong enough to make an appearance in the poem. Christianity and Paganism are extremely similar but are ultimately different in their customs and beliefs. “Let your sorrow end! It is better for us all to avenge our friends, not mourn them forever! Each of us will come to the end of this life” (1384-1387). This explains that it is of great significance to avenge your fallen comrade, not come to an abrupt stop of combat, but instead to fight even harder. This was very popular among Pagans due to them not wanting their brothers in battle to die in vain, if they died in vain, they’re afterlife would not be pleasant. The concept can fall in line with Christianity also because Christianity also supports justice. This point is important relevant because the author fuses these together displaying the similarities. The reason for this is Paganism and Christianity were the major influences of faith during this time period. An example of all this is when Beowulf avenges Aeschere's death, which could possibly mean Beowulf was a strong believer of this. Paganism is strong in this culture, but Christianity has a strong presence. We care about this due to the fact that Beowulf was the first piece of literature written in English, or “Old English." This style of writing would influence writers over the centuries. The Anglo Saxons were already exposed to Christianity but still held and practiced the traditional Pagan Values and ideas. Whenever the narrator describes the heroic feat of a man, the narrator references God’s

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