There are many ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of book is the best of all. Reading is a need for everybody of all ages. The most important reason for that is because all the world's knowledge is in books. The more knowledge people have, the better-equipped they are to tackle any challenge they will ever face. However, reading is not easy to a lot of people, it is a habit and a skill that need to be practiced at a very early age. Reading is especially important for children. There is no other helpful companion for children to discover the world than books. Reading help them connect what they already know and what they read and make them think more logically and critically. Children do read, but not as much as children in the past. So far, there is a huge decline in book reading in America. One research which has been done and published by the San Francisco-based nonprofit Common Sense Media in May pointed out that "the percentage of nine-year-old children reading for pleasure once or more per week had dropped from 81 percent in 1984 to 76 percent in 2013, based on government studies. There were even larger decreases among older children. A large portion rarely read for pleasure. About a third of 13-year-olds and almost half of 17-year-olds reported in one study that they read for pleasure less than twice a year. The NEA study, title "Reading at Risk also published a report about a huge decrease in the number of adults who read. And the decline was especially great among the youngest people surveyed, ages 18 to 24. "Only 43 percent had read any literature in 2002, down from 53 percent in 1992 . Besides, because of little reading many children are struggling with literacy. "Only about one-third of fourth grade students are "proficient" in reading and another one-third scored below "basic" reading skills . Many studies has been carried out, many research has been done, but it seems that nothing has changed much for decades. Before people get any further national solutions, parents need to do something to change from right in their family and teachers need to do something to change in their class. First of all, there is a need to know what reasons have caused such crisis. In the United States, children have the ability to read but they are lack of motivation. According to the report "Becoming a Nation of Readers" (1985), "50% of the children read books for an average of four minutes per day or less, 30% read two minutes per day or less, and fully 10% never reported reading any book on any day. For the majority of the children, reading from books occupied 1% of their free time, or less. (p. 77) That was a very old number but it can be used to refer about the situation nowadays. Children have more and more other hobbies and activities occupying their reading time. With modern technology, when tablets and phones become handy, many children feel more attracted to the Internet. Everything is easy to find and any information can be "Googled out. Parents are so busy that they do not have time to care for their children habit. Even now a lot of parents just give their children a smartphone so that they can sit down quietly. On the other hand, parents themselves should be exemplary to foster up the habit of reading. If they do not show any interest in reading how can children be expected to read? At school, children have a lot of thing to learn. Teachers do teach them to read but they do not have time to talk to them about favorite books or suggest them good books to read. Not having many visits to the library is also a reason for the decline in book reading. Solutions, therefore, must come from school and family first. It needs a lot