It is often said and believed that “opposites attract” in friendships and relationships. In most cases, that is proven to be untrue. People usually have more similar personalities with those they are in a romantic relation or friendship with. This is because of the similarity effect of social psychology, stating that interpersonal attraction, a friendship or romantic relation, is usually formed with people who have similarities in attitudes, interests, values, and personalities. Personality is measured in different ways, one common test is known as the Myers Briggs Type Inventory, or MBTI. This test finds your preferences in four different areas, with two options in each, giving the 16 different combinations of four different letters in your MBTI results. The first is your preference in living, whether you prefer to live focused on the outside world (E, extroverted) or focus on your inner world (I, introverted.) The second is you learn, you may just take in and observe what you see (S, sensing) or make inferences on what you are giving (N, intuitive). Then there is your way of decision making, whether you make them based off of logic (T, thinking) or you consider the feelings of others that would be affected (F, feeling). Last, there is your sense of structure, whether you come up with a plan and prepare (J, judging) or take it in as you go (P, perceiving). For example, I am an INFP- introverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving. Your four letter type can display your weakness and strengths and can give a general sense of who you are. This testing method is often used in workplaces and schools to help find a personalized working or learning environment to increase productivity for a certain individual. Reasoning for the similarity effect has four main theories, well supported by evidence. In 1985, Heider found the balance theory, where our interpersonal relations are made in attempt to create a general balance within the friendsh