In my past life I had made a moral decision that did affect my life forever. I chose to either work and make my own money legally or stay on the streets and earn money illegally. When I was younger I grew up in the wrong neighborhood and hung around the wrong type of people. I was considered a “street rat," I always wanted to be outside with my friends and never want to stay inside. As I discover to learn about Kohlberg’s stages of moral development I would have to say it is ironic to my life. Through the stages of my life I learned my moral rights and decided to do what is right. Stage one in my life was when it all started. I was a young kid from the Philippines raised in the suburban areas of Waterbury, Connecticut. Growing up my mom was not financially fit to buy all the nice things other people had in my neighborhood. Surrounded by spoiled kids who had everything made me want that type of lifestyle. My mother tried so hard to do her best but I was always bored at home, which lead me to be in the streets often. I met a lot of friends through school and my neighborhood but I bonded more often with the kids in my neighborhood. We did what a lot of other kids liked to do: play basketball, ride bikes, go to the park, go to the pool, etc. What came with the territory of being raised in the “ghetto”, kids fought, stole bikes, threw rocks at cars, and other mischievous things. This paved my way into being a disobedient kid. My tight bond with my friends indulged us to do crazy things together. At the same time I never used to get punished because I was never at home and my mom never knew what type of trouble I was getting into in the streets. To my mother I was viewed as a good child just outside playing with friends. As I grew up I have developed a personality where I just wanted to fit in. In Kohlberg’s stage 3 of moral development it talk about one doing so to be seen as a good boy/girl, but the way I look at it I wanted to