Over the course of time, minors challenge authority, making their own decisions. Minors generally, go against their guardian's rules, resulting in small and/or big problems. Disobeying any sort of authority such as, parents/guardians, the police, a religious pastor or even a teacher has its bad outcomes. Many individuals, mostly minors, debate on whether going against the grain is worth it. Going against the grain has its higher chances to having a negative outcome. Therefore, I believe that challenging authority is not worth it. Is a teenager's mind set mature enough to make its own decisions and break the rules? Teenagers are now leaving a stage where decisions were made for them, by their parents, and moving into a stage where making their own decisions can affect them tremendously. For example, in the Romeo and Juliet no fear version (act 2, scene 5) Tybalt (a Capulet) feels very angry towards the fact that Romeo (a Montague) has the nerve to show up at the Capulet party. Tybalt automatically wants to harm Romeo, however Capulet stops him because he feels it would have a negative outcome. Capulet knows that if a fight was to occur at that party is would look bad on the whole Capulet family. Tybalt was in a state of mind where he wasn't thinking properly, if Capulet would not have stopped him chaos would have took place. In what situations can a minor go against authority? Parents almost never understand a minor's mind or why they do the things they do. Parents often make decisions that the minor may dislike, so the minor feels it is necessary to disobey that order. For instance, in the story of Romeo and Juliet (act 3, scene 5) lady Capulet and Capulet try to get Juliet to marry Paris, however Juliet had no love for Paris so she disobeyed her parents. Juliet couldn't see herself marrying a person she did not love. Parents, sometimes take the thought "doing what's best for you to the point where it can affects the minor negative