San Francisco, home to one of the many wonders of the world, that in present day aren't so wondrous any longer. It was these massive feats in engineering and architecture where at the time of their creation in the late 19th into early 20th century plead for viewers to come marvel at their beauty. It is now though that these structures that have become overlooked, after all, it's just a bridge right? At the time though in the late 1930s it wasn't just a bridge, it was a gateway to move our society and culture along, as well as a shrine of technological as well as scientific movement forward. Although today it might just be some bridge, on May 27th, 1937 it wasn't just some bridge, it was the future. The Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco spanning the Golden Gate Strait, was more than just a bridge, rather it was a highway for the growth of the West as well as a herald for the West's and its peoples' well being. The bridge being started near the very beginning of 1933 would also be accompanying the Great Depression, which would put millions of Americans out of work and in dire need of it just to feed their families. While many families would march to California to work in the grape fields as well as many other areas still prospering in California, thousands of workers would also go to San Francisco to help construct the world's largest suspension bridge to date. Although this bridge would fund and feed many families, it also had many problems associated with it. One of the many problems with working on this bridge is that it was so high up, and there wasn't really anything to work from the ground up with, which would result in the falls of 19 men as well as the death of 10 of those (Newsbank). To work on this bridge meant risking your life, but what else was there to do when not working or giving up the perfect opportunity for a job also meant risking your life? This bridge though, taking from the work of Roebling, also took away some o