"Get up!! Get up at once, you, little brat!" Taylor squawked. This is what Elena, AKA Ellie, has been hearing for 7 years, every morning. Taylor was Ellie's stepmother who married Black, her dad, because she was a gold digger. Black was foolish to marry this woman and did not realize it. Ellie has a family of five, her dad(Black), step mum (Taylor) and two twin stepsisters (Kendall and Barbara).She lived with her dad till she was eight, but an unfortunate event led to his death. He was killed during a massive earthquake which had hit San Diego. He was an owner of an eminent diner, known as Black's, which Taylor changed to Taylor's. Taylor inherited all of Black's property as he did not leave any will. She forced Ellie to do all the housework. She also forced her to live in the attic and treated her cruelly and like a servant. She cared about her education as along as Ellie payed her fees. Ellie has become a tough person as she bears the mocking of her stepmom and Kendall. Barbara does care about her but does not show it. She has medium brown hair with a few caramel streaks. She has a wild mess of kinky hair which sometimes look elegant, framing her round face. She is a mixture of a tomboy and a geek. She takes extra AP classes to graduate early to escape Taylor. She also worked at Taylor's. Ellie's biological mum was a dancer and she wanted to pursue the same career. Her best friend, Ed, tried to help her in every possible way. He also helped her take private dancing lesson and was grateful to have a friend like him. Both of them were expert dancers. They took dance classes with a famous dancer and singer, Niall, along with a few other students. Ellie used to dance at the back so Niall never knew that she existed. Then, one windy day, when the sky was fifty shades of grey, a masquerade party was arranged in Ellie's school. In this event, students arranged a dance competition.Ellie signed up for this and was eager for rehearsals. At