Addiction is something many people go through in their lifetime. It doesn't matter what race or ethnicity you are, addiction affects everyone in the same way. One thing that does differ from one culture to another is how it is perceived and handled. A culture that differs in how they handle and perceive a person having an addiction is the hispanic culture. The hispanic culture perceives addiction differently from most other cultures, they have very strong views and morals.The hispanic culture is one that is centered on family, traditions, and spirituality. All of these factors influence how hispanics live their lives and how they perceive an addiction. The addiction that is most prevalent in hispanics is an addiction to alcohol. Alcohol and other drugs have been used for thousands of years. The alcohol can be traced all the way back to 4000 bc when fruit was fermented from plants and fruits. Alcohol was first used in Mexico by the Aztecs, by the Pima Papago in the Southwest United States. The Aztecs used alcohol for ceremonial purposes and religious purposes. If a man was caught drinking or intoxicated he was beaten to death or strangled in front of everyone. Old men and women were allowed to drink on certain holidays. For example a child was baptized or rather naming-giving of a child was celebrated at night the old men and old women gathered to drink (Alaniz, 2002). As time went on people started to immigrate to the United States from Mexico. This is when their views on alcohol and drugs began to change. Back when hispanics lived in their native countries the use of alcohol was used more for spiritual purpose (Chase, 2002). The hispanics were more social drinkers rather than frequent drinkers. They drank on special occasions and celebrations as a festivity. Hispanics came from Mexico as adults with a foundation on how they used and viewed the use of alcohol but as time went on that changed (Sosa, 2013). The more acculturated hispanic