Throughout the history of the world religion, the Jewish people have been persecuted and burdened with cruel and unjust impositions because of their religious beliefs and traditions (, 2012) To understand the history of Judaism we must have an open mind to see the hardships the religion as a whole community faced. Abraham is considered the founding father for Judaism. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are Abrahamic religions, it is said that God established covenant with humanity such as Adam, Noah and Abraham. And God delivered the Ten Commandments thru Moses. Moses is the other important Key person in Judaism History. As per the Genesis book Abraham was got by God from Mesopotamia to the land of Canaan. Judaism is said to be a religion that believes in one god only and was founded 2,500B.C. Moses is the one key religious leader of the Jew and we will also discuss one key event in Jewish history that was connected to Moses. Moses is one of the main religious military leader, lawgiver and prophet of the Jews who also wrote the Torah which is the Bible for the Jews. "Moses was born to a Hebrew Mother Jochebed and was hidden by her when the pharaoh ordered all new born Hebrew boys to be killed, Moses was then adopted into the Egyptian royal family (Molloy,2013). "A famine made the Hebrew migrate to Egypt where they were enslaved, but God thru Moses rescued the Hebrew from bondage by afflicting the Egyptians with 10 plagues and it helped the Hebrews to escape" (Religion, 2000). At mount Sinai God created the nation of Israel and gave the Hebrews the terms of the covenant with him (God). The Hebrew then travel 40 years in the wilderness before ending up in Canaan, the land promised to Abraham, but the main prophet here is Moses who completes many roles of leadership which includes religious, political and military. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their families founded and followed a powerful faith rooted in a binding agr