
My Best Friend and Role Model

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Here I was sitting in a room full of people I didn’t know besides my two fellow FFA members, the new advisor and his wife. We are all talking getting to know each other. They started to play music and I saw people start to get up and dance. I turn to my best friend and ask if she would like to swing dance with me. “Not in front of all these people”, she told me. So we just kept sitting there and watched as everyone else danced. Until someone came up behind me and taped me in my shoulder. The first thing I did was look around the table and see who was missing, but the thing was no one was missing. So I slowly turned around to see someone that I did not know. I remember thinking he was cute and the next thing I know I am out where everyone else had been dancing. I am spinning around and having fun until all I can see is the ceiling laying on my back. I will never forget that moment because that was the first time I met my best friend and role model, Steven. Hailing from Sibley, Iowa, Steven lived and worked on his family dairy farm until he made the move to Ames, Iowa to go to Iowa State University to study agriculture education. The first year I met him he was 19 years old and the president of the Iowa FFA. He was the one that made me want to run to become a district officer and later on a state officer. Steven is always in a good mood when I see him. When he sees me its the the same thing every time: He gives me a big hug and says “has anyone dropped you lately?” I reply jokingly “Nope just you.” I may not get to see Steven everyday or even every month, but he has always been there for me when I need him. All I have to do is send him a message on facebook and he replies within two hours. When he became a national officer I was so happy but at the same time mad because now that meant I was losing my best friend for a year but on the other hand this was great for him. I know this is what he had been dreaming of ever since

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