
Youth and Violent Media

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The world relies on the media for current news, facts, what we should be aware of and what is important. The media should not be manipulative to our young children and the weak minded; it’s the most crucial problem facing the world today. The media has an impact on our lives, especially the young, innocent and weak-minded individuals in our society. New and more advanced types of media have been made, providing easier access to media for children such as iPod’s, laptops, cell phones, games, TV’s and etc. Media controls a variety of shows kids watch on their daily basis. Their images, which mostly consist of revealing clothes, sexuality, cursing and violence all, have a negative impact on our upcoming the youth. Media should be banned from broadcasting/advertising and airing shows related to violence, sex and unhealthy living seeing that it plays a very important role in shaping the perspectives of the younger generation. According to Craig A. Anderson (2003) Department of Psychology “Many children and youth spend way to much amount of time consuming violent media”. Children that are exposed to violent images are initially traumatized. With repeated subjection, they can become less sensitive to the real-life effects of violence. Children exposed like this may act aggressively, with no thoughts of consequences. Young people post and share people’s private, personal and confidential information on social media websites without considering the consequences. Despite the fact that decreasing exposure to media violence will reduce hostility and violence, it is not clear what kind of interventions will make a reduction in exposure. It takes discipline not to let social media steal/waste your time. Too much of anything is bad for you. Besides “Today there are more juvenile killings, youths bearing weapons, and youth becoming gang members than any other time during our history. This large expand in violence is originating from somewhere, and one place could be the Media industry. The likelihood to be violent: “As television became widely consumed over the past half-century, it also became increasingly violent, a fact that raised concerns among many social policymakers” (Gentile, 2003.Media violence and childre

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