Surfers created Skateboarding with the idea of being able to surf when they couldn't go in the water to hit some “bitchin heavies”, or waves that is. It's become a way to relax have fun and forget about reality for a bit, or just another way to compete and push yourself to what ever goal you may have. Though many People say Skateboarding is offensive and not good for anyone, It inspires participants in the sport to express their own individuality, creativity, and not to be mainstream be yourself, push yourself to your limit to reach your goals, be progressive, and most importantly have fun. While individuality is not a prominent characteristic in other sports, in skateboarding its an important one. In a study shown in a article by Sports Academy, U.S. Called “An Ethnographic Study of the Skateboarding Culture.” Thirty skaters in competition on a DVD called “Planes, Trains, and Skateboards” where studied, data was collected “Of the 30 participants, 10% were female and 90% were male. 73% were observed to be of Caucasian ethnicity, while 16% were observed to be of Hispanic origins and 1% of African American ethnicity.” (Sports Academy 12) During their runs “many athletes continued to show energy by dancing, jumping, or engaging in other celebratory acts. Observed behaviors included applauding each other, dancing, smiling, and other congratulatory behaviors.” (Sports Academy 14) The skaters reactions where different and that's unique. Besides behavior, appearance, and style by each skater showed individuality in the sport. In skateboarding their aren't teams that compete, its an individual sport so there isn’t mandatory attire to be worn. “ The participants did not wear uniforms or jerseys that identified their team or sponsors.” “each participant had an individual sense of style that provided for self-expression.” (Sports Academy 16) skaters wore “baggy jeans and loose-fitting t-shirts that allow for movement were common among participants.” (Sports Academy 16) Now a days skinny Jeans and pocket t-shirts with various designs are in style as well. “tattoos, body piercing, or other expressions”(Sports Academy 16) show style and individuality besides looking at whats being done and worn. The culture or subculture of skateboarding is everyone who participates has a different look and reason to why they skateboard. “creativity and artistic expression that is involved, the lack of rules and standardization normally associated