Question Can Prison be considered an effective method of dealing with criminals? Response Prison is a place where people with a criminal record are physically detained and deprived of their liberty. However, the question whether prison can be effective or not still does not have an accurate answer. Over the years people have tried different methods for changing prisoners' minds and their results could be seen as the key to this debate. Although many people claim that because of the prisons' environment, a petty criminal can become a murderer, it is arguable that education programs for inmates can make a positive change in their lives. The main purpose of prisons' Inefficiency is the prison itself- its environment. Some prisons do not have divisions and all inmates with difference in severity of criminal records are in the same place. (The BBC Prison Study, 2008) In other words, the petty criminals have the possibility to communicate with more serious offenders than themselves, who have much more experience in crimes. Therefore, many prisoners who usually came in for light crimes might go out as serious criminals. For instance, inmates who are ordinary car thieves, in prison they could easily learn how to rob a bank. Another example which can show how prisons may affect prisoners is the bad conditions inside. According to an inmate named Gallagher, some prisoners died because of the miserable healthcare: such as an abscessed tooth or hepatitis C. (Stelloh, 2013) Moreover, inside the prison they are usually divided into two groups- the weak and the strong. (The BBC Prison Study, 2008) In their effort to survive, they can become much more aggressive than before. In life there is anger and aggression, which can often penetrate into humans, darken their actions and make them selfish, cruel villains. For example, there are some prisoners who enjoy getting into fights, which in some cases can cost someone's life. Therefore, in prison people