
William Wallace - Nonconformist

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The movie Braveheart depicts the story of William Wallace, a great hero who rebelled against England to get his homeland of Ireland back to freedom again. Wallace changed the course of history with his brothers by rallying forces and taking back Scotland from England. In the end, Wallace was captured and put to death, but that only further fueled the rebellion against England. The rebel, William Wallace, was a great nonconformist who changed history. William Wallace changed the course of history with his brothers in arms. He was a normal man from Ireland who simply wanted to be a farmer after his father died. According to an article written on, "In May 1297, Wallace struck his first significant blow against the English--according to legend, With Sir William Douglas of Douglasdale at his side, Wallace set out for Scone to expel its English judiciary, William de Ormesby. Upon hearing of Wallace's approach, Ormesby promptly fled. " His wife publicly spoke out against the tyrannus guards, and the guards tied her to a pole and then killed her in public. William started a rebellion, taking over the town and killing every last guard. According to an article on military history, written on October 1, 1997,. "Iin retaliation for the murder of his wife or mistress, Marion Braidfute, the heiress of Lamington. Whether for love of the land or revenge for Marion's murder, Wallace and 30 men ambushed the English sheriff of Lanark, Sir William Heselrig, Wallace himself cutting the sheriff to pieces.  William Wallace was a great nonconformist. Next, William began conquering Ireland. His rebellion spread like wildfire to each nearby town. William and his men went from town to town, slowly building up his army as he went, meeting up with other armies that had done the same. An article was written on the Britiannica Encyclopedia website, " As dawn broke on September 11, 1297, two opposing and very different armies confronted each other acro

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