
Social Media and Self-Development

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In “Sexting, Selfies and Self Harm: Young People, Social Media and The Performance of Self-Development,” Fleur Gabriel examines how young people use the media as “a platform for self-expression” to grasp the attention of others. However, young people are unaware that “social media absorption” is, in fact, transforming them into “careless zombies.” Gabriel links her article with case studies and academic journals on developmental neuroscience, violence, and youth sexuality to demonstrate and warn readers how the issue of youth media use works towards exhibiting youth as “the problem” and how these paradoxes go unrecognized in an attempt to make sense of young people’s actions, consequently putting their self-development at risk. According to Gabriel, social media involvement is destructive to young people during the process of self-development, as it has “created a different context for growing up.” With the help of additional research, Gabriel further explains that social networking sites discourage young people from owning and forming their own identity. Alternatively, Gabriel suggests that it strips them of their self-identity since social media projects convert “their own visibility to the identity they want to have.” Due to this, Gabriel inscribes that social media is allowing young teens to express themselves by “capturing, captioning, and sharing” their daily activities and is allowing people, who they do not personally know, into their private lives. This challenges the psychological notion that “young people have a limited capacity to think critically” about their development as a person. In doing so, Gabriel expresses that this divergence contributes to the perception that “young people's media use is dangerous for healthy development,” and that a different kind of approach to young people is needed in terms of moving beyond these conceptual restrictions. It is also needed in opening

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