Eighty percent of the items available in America's grocery stores contain sugar. This is the statistics that Dr. Robert Lustig uses in all of his speeches against sugar, and more specifically against fructose. It sounds incredible that there is sugar in almost everything we eat and we do not even realize it, but what this really means is that people consume more sugar almost unintentionally. The statement ˜sugar is a toxin', is put too generally and it is actually the wrong question. Of course sugar is a toxin, but so are oxygen and water. What we have to look at is how our organisms metabolize sugar and what kind of tolerance we have towards sugar but first of all we have to be sure how we use the term "toxic." In order to evaluate if sugar is actually toxic we need to have a proper understanding of the term. In his article "Is Sugar Toxic?," Dr Peter Attia uses the medical definition for toxicity from the Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine: "The degree to which a substance can harm humans or animals." The more important distinction that he makes is that different types of toxicity exist, more specifically acute and chronic. The acute toxicity causes harm to humans through single or short-term exposure to a substance. The chronicle toxicity, on the other hand, is when we are continuously and repeatedly exposed to a substance, which results in harmful effects for our bodies. In this case sugar can lead to chronic toxicity, but so can oxygen and water, if they are consumed in high quantities. Sugar as we know from our basic biology lessons in school helps our cells produce energy, but an excess consumption of anything can be toxic and harmful to our bodies. In all of his speeches Dr Lustig goes into medical details how sugar and more specifically fructose is harmful for our bodies and basically anatomizes sugar as the main enemy of public health and the main reason people are getting sicker nowadays. First of all it is impor