
The Reality Television Controversy

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There are many controversies that come in and out of our lifetime. Whether or not we let these things affect the way we live puts a spin on how we can react to them. Reality TV has been around for a long time and it seems like the longer it’s around the more “reality” gets distorted. It is proven that the more young adults watch these TV shows, the more they are prone to act the way the world wants them to be. I'm arguing that reality television is all around a bad idea. In this paper I will discuss my arguments and counterarguments on how the “reality” is a mockery, how harmful it is on a younger generation, and how it’s entertaining for the wrong reasons. I went into some research to see actually how much “reality” was a part of these reality television shows and the reality of it isn't as real as you would think. Most TV shows such as Keeping Up with the Kardashians, or The Bachelor are for entertainment instead of informing you of what’s going on in their lives. James Poniewozik states, “The problem is that makers of reality TV have the power to imply or outright fabricate things about real people who have to carry their fake reputations into their real lives” (Poniewozik). The viewers feel like they're being lied to, in a way. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, reality television is defined as “U.S. television programs that focus on non-fictional subject matter, primarily with the aim of providing entertainment rather than information." They say in this definition that the focus is non-fiction, but would you say that’s what it could be classified as? Most producers are distorting the reality of the whole show. In James Poniewozik article, “How Reality TV Fakes It,” he lists five tricks that shows use to distort the reality of it all. The first trick is frankenbiting; this is where producers pick and pull what scenes they want to come together what they wish it had been. The second trick is fake settings; the name is explanatory in itself but for example, they can use stage sets for certain scenes in a show if the real setting doesn't fit their perfect description. The third trick is misleading montage. It is literally misleading because this is where they cut and paste certain scenes where the actor may seem upset over something so small when in reality she was upset about something that happened in a different scene in the show. The fourth trick is the leading interview. This is when the person can be in question and if they didn’t provide enough information to make a fake conflict on the show, they can used questions they asked in the right manner and mix and match their words. The last trick is the overdub. This is where editors can add captions and noises to scenes in shows to make it seem like theirs more going on. In general, people love reality TV. Even knowing that most of the scenes in the show are hoaxes, they still watch it for many reasons. It’s entertaining, and many feel like they can relate because they are average people play

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