Since we were young, we were told that we should be honest in any situation. However, today it seems that lying is a more common alternative that is incorporated in lives because it is the easy way out. Although lying is commonly done, it only distorts reality from the truth; ruining relationships, providing false realities, and ruining identities. In most situations, lying is what ruins trust between a relationship. If one compliments a friend by saying, "I love your dress, when in reality the dress does not look good, this only puts the friend at a disadvantage. Although the truth is not always pretty, it is better to know than to be oblivious of the situation. As a friend, the best thing to do is provide the most genuine and beneficial advice to a friend. Lying only makes the situation worse. Another example of lying is ruining a relationship; it ultimately breaks the trust between friendships. Friedrich Nietzsche once said, "I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you (Wilkerson, IEP).When someone is deceived, they are less likely to remain friends. Honesty is what builds the trust in a relationship, and if a person cannot be truthful, how can the relationship last? If trust is not present on both sides there can never be complete openness, honesty, and the ability to communicate well. Moreover, little white lies are essentially what unravels the bond between friendships and relationships. In addition, many doctors lie, thinking it will help alleviate patients. Although, lying is never acceptable because it provi des a false reality. For example, oftentimes doctors tell their patient that "it is going to be okay (O'Rourke, pg2), when in reality there is little hope for a patient to recover from any sickness. Ultimately this sort of lying serves as a false hope for the patient's future. They believe that through time their lives will soon take a turn, and their disease will be heal