Merriam Webster dictionary defines, "feminism," as, "The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities." It’s based on political, social, and economical equality for women. Women, for many hundreds of years, have been fighting to gain equality. Their opportunities have been were taken away just because they were women. Feminists see the word as unequal, and they want to see the idea that men are superior to women, disappear. Feminism is not only beneficial to women, but to men, and the families of women; feminism allows mothers, daughters, and sisters to have an equal opportunity. Men and women, should receive the same privileges, and feminism helps women accomplish this task of equality. There are many ways to promote feminism. One of them is through videos, like the campaign FCKH8, and their video, “F-Bombs for Feminism." The video is effective in promoting women’s rights, and sends a message about feminism through examples and facts. The video that the campaign FCKH8 made, promotes feminism. It discusses pay inequality, rape, violence, and the objectification of the female body. In the video, FCKH8 uses little girls dressed as princess, swearing to promote gender equality. The girls start dropping, "F-bombs," to show exactly how offensive gender inequality is. They become so fierce that it’s impossible to stop looking the video, as viewers ask the question, “What’s more offensive, a little girl saying fuck or the sexist way society treats girls and women?” ( The video uses pathos and logos to impress you as you watch it. They persuade you to watch the video till the end. Pathos is a quality that plays with your emotions. It is used normally in ads or commercials to make you feel happy, sad, or even guilty. In this video pathos is used to shock us with the facts about modern sexism, and make the viewer feel guilty for being part of it. In the video, they also use logos. Logos appeals