Laurel moans from the tapping sunlight against her face and wondered how long she'd been asleep. She blinked, shut her eyes then blinked again. She yawned and managed to open both eyes. Laurel watched as the large glowing sphere rose slowly into the dull morning sky. The sun cast sunbeams in every direction while it illuminated the small town. Laurel stared out the glass panes as the colors made by the rising sun changed, growing more vivid with the passing time. Making the sky more radiant as it climbed higher and higher into the atmosphere but as beautiful as the morning was she knew today would be horrible. Laurel bounced out of her messy bed, nearly tripped over a pile of books and pranced to the bathroom. She stared in the mirror. Her hair was a rich shade of mahagony. It flowed in waves to adorn her glowing, porcelain-like skin. Her eyes, framed by long lashes that touched her cheeks everytime she blinked, were a bright, emerald-green and seemed to light up the whole world. A straight nose, full lips, she seemed the picture of perfection. She changed into a plain white singlet with navy blue jeans, slipped on a leather jacket and tied up her converse laces. She walked downstairs finding herself in the middle of the living room. It was the cleanest room in her apartment. The rich, lush sofa sat in between two soft chairs and a rocking armchair was tucked away silently in a corner under a tall window through which the sunlight was coming through the curtains. Laurel lived alone in her apartment, she had a family that lived in Germany and kept in contact with them every holiday. She grabbed her bag and car keys then opened the front door forgetting that she haden't eaten her breakfast. She rushed to her car and sat comfortably inside it. Driving on the streets of Star City, Laurel saw the city cab's rushing by, honking their horns. There was a massive traffic jam by Time Square. She made a short cut through a tight street that ended right infront of her workplace. She was an IT technician at Queen Industries. It was founded by Robert Queen the richest businessman in Star City, also known as Starling City which means Laurel was well paid. After a while Laurel arrived at her office which she shared with her one and only friend Janice. She was Hawaiian, a natural blonde with ocean blue eyes with a lot of piercings. "Hey there, Speedy." greeted Janice. "Hey Janice, how are you?" she replied. "I'm good, I saw you boosting your way here." she said. "Haha, yeah there was traffic and I didn't want to be late...again." Laurel said in relief. "Well hopefully you didn't get a ticket." Janice teased. "Ticket? What kind of ticket? A police ticket? Oh my god. Police means jail. I Don't want to go to jail Janice." Laurel felt her heart sink into her chest and her palms were also steaming. "Relax girl, I was just joking." Janice laughed. "Oh God you got me so scared." Laurel said in relief. "Sorry about that. Hey I almost forgot can you cover for me tonight please." Janice was obviously desperate by the tone of her voice. "Again! Yeah sure, but why?" Laurel asked. "I Janice Drake Alana have a date to attend tonight." Janice said proudly. "Didn't you have a date last week?" She asked. "Yeah, I did but the guy didn't show up. Bad luck." Janice took a long sigh. "Hopefully it goes well this time." Laurel announced. Janice gave a thin smile, turned to her desk and started rapidly typing on her Mac Book Air. It was ten minutes to 11:45. Janice left the office a hour ago and Laurel was left alone with a bright table lamp. Laurel looked at the clock and realized how late it was, she turned off her computer, shoved all her important files in her bag and raced to the exit door. Laurel had to travel through a tight and dark alleyway to get to where her car was parked. It was just a gap between two old terraced houses built many years ago but it was cold and uninviting. It was like a cavernous moth just waiting to gobble up anyone who dared enter it. You couldn't see the far end as it had been blocked off by a large heavy oak