
The Music Industry

21 Pages 985 Words 1557 Views

Music has been circulating the air across many cultures, for centuries. In the last 50 years, the music industry has become an important global industry, and a key subject for economic activity on many geographic scales. Over the years, music consumption has grown. It has become, “More of less.” This idea, alludes to the fact that individuals are listening to music of many different artists, rather than to an entire album by a single artist. This causes people’s music collection to broaden. More people are now listening to music since it has become so accessible. Technology has undoubtedly changed the music industry, and is the main reason why people no longer consume an entire album. Previously, people were required to buy an entire album or CD, even if they only wanted a few specific songs. With new technological advancements, music consumption has become more fragmented. Individuals can instead purchase their favorite song by each artist, while eliminating all others from their collection. Due to advancements such as the Internet, there is now a wider variety of music that is more accessible. An individual no longer has to leave his house, and go to a store to purchase music. Instead, someone can sit at home download their favorite tune with a few clicks. A person also has the ability to listen to music without even purchasing it. Today, people can do this by using online host sites like Pandora and YouTube. Technology is linked to something called the, “long tail theory.” While it is heavily debated whether this theory is truly favored, one thing is certain; the, "long tail," definitely exists. The long tail theory allows for all music to be followed, and appreciated, through digital media. An article by Chris Anderson states that people are willing to go deep, well past the long list of popular titles available at record stores. He adds, the more that users find, the more they like. These online sources are allowing p

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