
Land Use and Flood Plains

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It is important to use water and land resources in a well-planned manner. If land is not used properly, it can cause damage to the earth, and put people at risk. When looking at the management of a floodplain, land use must be planned accordingly. The Toronto flood is one of the many examples of the effects, if land use is used improperly. The class 4 flood known as Hurricane hazel, caused mass destruction to people and the land, creating the worst floods ever seen in that area. The flood destroyed many houses, and flooded farm lands. Many bridges were also destroyed as a result of this disaster. It left about 4,000 people homeless, washed away approximately 40 houses, and had a death toll of 81 people. This area suffered great damage due it's development on a flood plain. Raymore drive was probably hit the hardest, with 32 deaths and 60 families left without homes. There was more to blame, then the hurricane itself. Many deaths could have been prevented, had the street been not built on a flood plain. If floodplains are left untouched, they store excess floodwater. With that being said development on a floodplain should not occur, because leaving the flood plain unharmed helps to absorb water that would otherwise flood the area. Storm water if not absorbed properly, is converted into storm water runoff. The water is discharged into the near by waterway. This raises the water level, and in extreme cases, the water is forced on to land causing flooding. These floods are known as over bank floods. These floods destroy homes, and jeopardize people's lives. It is very important that land-use planning solutions help the environment and development, instead of continually contributing to the degradation of water resources. Managing water resources on a watershed basis will help address potential impacts such as floods, droughts, and deterioration of water resources due to overexploitation of land and water resources. That being said, the

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