I walk up the cold steps. My heart beating hard, fast, feeling like it’s about to leap out of my chest. I don’t want to be here, why am I here? I could totally turn around right now. The thought goes through my head. Panic floods through every nerve in my body. Every sensation is increased, and I can feel everything. The tall historic building tower over me, its shadows stretch out, engulfing my body. The place is so big. The students stare at me, while their eyes are burning holes in me. I’m being stared at like I have just committed murder. I can hear the footsteps echo through the hallways. People surround me everywhere, yet I have never felt so alone. Doors slam, bells ring, heavy metal doors close, laughter screams in my ears- these sounds are electrified, yet they sound distant. I feel detached, isolated. I think of my old school, wishing I was climbing the familiar steps, and gossiping with my friends. School hasn’t even started yet- reminding me that if it was bad now, it was about to get a hundred times worse. Stumbling into the room; the class is alive with energy. Suddenly everything stops as I reach for the chair to sit down. Who knew silence can be so loud. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife. I suddenly have forgotten to breathe, I am suffocating. The room gets smaller and smaller. I regain my breath and sit down. I try to block my emotions, but they are yelling at me. I shrovel back to my shell and wish. I wish that I never came to this school. I wish I wasn’t here. I’m watched like a caged animal on show at a carnival. Everyone is examining me with judgment minds. I’m here simply for their enjoyment. The class period passes as a blur. I cannot concentrate. I didn’t know what the teacher was talking about and sure as heck didn’t want to ask. Finally, the bell rings, it’s time for lunch. I follow a group of girls outside where all of the benches are to eat. There’s no room to sit at th