
The Odyssey and O' Brother Where Art Thou

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Many people, in all different generations have read the great epic poem, "The Odyssey," written by Homer. Whether it was in high school, college, or just for fun, many people are familiar with the story and it's great uniqueness. It is acknowledged that, "The Odyssey," is one of the most spectacular pieces of ancient literature. As expected, there have been many modernized re-telling’s of it. These versions have similarities, as well as their own differences. An interesting take on the story, is the movie, “O' Brother Where Art Thou,” a comedy film made from 2002. When it is looked at in detail, it is clear to see that many of the ideas in the movie are based off the original story, yet it has a plot of its own. Each story hold's similar values, such as the purpose of the characters’s journey, yet have differences such as story details, and ideas. The most obvious of the story's similarities is their main character's names names. Everett’s full name in the movie is Ulysses, Everett T. McGill, and Ulysses is Latin for Odysseus. Likewise, the plot and adventure from both are also related. For example, in, "The Odyssey," Odysseus is headed back from the Trojan war. The suitors and their leader, Antinous, try to steal Odysseus’ wife, Penelope. Odysseus is determined to get back home, to his wife and family. In the movie, character Everett finds out that his wife is engaged to be re-married, and he decides to break out of prison to go home to win his family back. The two stories share great characteristics with each other even though they have differences. Though the stories have similar plots and ideas, they are written in completely different time periods. "The Odyssey," is an ancient work of literature, written long before the common era. However, the movie, “O’ Brother Where Art Thou,” was made in the year 2000. In the poem, "The Odyssey," Odysseus is on his way back home from the Trojan War. Everett, on the other ha

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