Numerous historic actions influenced the spoken and written communication from Old to Middle English. England was once a province of the Roman Empire, it was given the name of Britannia after its Celtic-speaking inhabitants, the Britons (p. 6). A historical event that influences the verbal and written language was when Germany invaders took over; they belonged to three tribes, the angles, the Saxon, and the Jutes. The word English derives from angles (p. 6). In the middle ages, English was a mix of various dialects. The Anglo-Saxon (Old English) extended after a continuous fight against the native Britons. In the year 579 a monk (St. Augustine of Canterbury) had a mission, he decided to adapt Anglo-Saxons in to Christianity, and this had a huge influence in the writing and speaking of the language because before Christianity there were no books, and the first extended written specimen of Old English language is a code of laws promulgated by Ethelbert, the first English Christian king (p. 6). King Alfred who stopped the Danes from overrunning the land also has an influence in the language as he was an enthusiastic patron of literature (p. 7). The Norman Conquest Brought French to the land but only those with high power spoke the language making English and French a melding of the language. Furthermore the vocabulary of English also changed immensely, with great numbers of borrowings from French and Latin starting to appear in the Middle-English written language (244). There are many differences and similarities in the movie and poem of Beowulf. It is common for a Producer to change the original story to make a movie. The poem explains the actual Beowulf's story as written many centuries ago, and the movie is much more detailed. In the poem, Grendel's mother which by reading the poem appears as a hideous creature is being tracked by Beowulf in a lake. In the movie Grendel's mom appears covered in gold and looking like Angelina Jolie. Sh